Conway's game of life loosely models life in that we need each other, yet we compete against each other for resources. In this game, if a square is surrounded by more than 3 'live' neighbours, it dies due to compeition. Less than 2, and it dies due to lack of help from others. If it is dead, and is surrounded by 3, it comes to life because it has the necesary help. Exacly 2, and it can stay alive.
In essence, we have a function, an input, and an output. The input is the state of the live and dead cells, which can be described as a two dimentional array. When the function evaluates which cells live or die from the rules, and the state, we ouput a two dimensional array with a different arrangement of 'live' and 'dead' cells. To communicate the change over time, we animate these changes and call them generations.
First we have to decide how to animate this algorithm. The first choice is regular old HTML. We can imagine that each cell is going to have different properties, which change over time, and so React comes to mind with its ability to make custom components. However, React is pretty heavy for something like this. We have both the complexity of the algorithm, and React on top of it. Using the DOM means we have to calculate the structure of the elements every generation, this is called a reflow. If we make styling changes, which we will, we also have to repaint. These are both expensive tasks that may cost us time, considering we also have expensive algorithm calculations.
To avoid using DOM elements, we could go with WebGL. This is based on OpenGL, something you may remember from video games, because it is used for 3d rendering. We are only trying to demonstrate the game, and adding dimensions adds complexity. The 2d version of WebGL is HMTL5 canvas. With canvas, there are no nodes or objects, just pixels, their color styling, and their position relative to the top left of the window.
As you can see, we have a rectangle, which is the canvas, and another rectangle inside of it. How did we make this happen?
A canvas is literally a canvas tag, which we styled using width and height. ctxBasic exposes an API which lets us make shapes easily instead of drawing them pixel by pixel. Fill style sets a background color on the square, and fillRect takes positional and size values. It's in the middle of the canvas because it's 175 pixels away from the left edge of the canves, and it's 75 pixels away from the top. Its dimensions are 50 by 50 pixels.
Now that we've made one rectangle, we can move on to make a grid of rectangles. First, we have to decide how many rectangles and how large they should be. Given that we have a fixed width and height, how many rects we need depends on their size. Since our grid is 400 x 200, let's make each rectangle 10x10 so they fit evenly.
We used a nested for loop to iterate over a two dimensional array. An array which has a length of how many blocks we have on the X axis, and each element is itself an array as long as the amount of blocks on the y axis. Since we need to give an absolute position to fillRect, we multiply the index by the dimensional property of each rect, and use that to position each cell correctly.
Since we know we need to click on squares, and toggle over an alive state, we need to take care of two things. One is, we need to keep track of that alive state. Two, we need to figure out how to interact with the canvas to flip our cell state and then reflect the change in the grid.
Aliveness could be expressed via a true or false boolean value at each position in state, and to express a change, we could iterate over the two dimensional state, and redraw the canvas, with blue colored rects for a live (true), and white for dead (false).
initState() initializes our two dimensional array state with all false values, and drawGrid() takes this and draws white rectangles. What we need to do next is a little more difficult. Since our rects are not DOM nodes that we can listen for a click event on, we have to change our state based on user input, then erase old state, and redraw the new state. What we can do is put a click event on the canvas, ask where the cursor was in absolute terms in the window, then change an appropriate position in a new state. We could then erase the old board so old changes don't interfere with new user input, and run drawGrid() on a new state.
We've added a lot of new stuff. First, we are keeping track of our left and right margins. We do this both in the beginning and every time the window is resized. This is because this article is centered, which means when we change the size, the left margin changes. We need to keep track of it to subtract from pageX of our event click. We are getting aboslute values, but we need to turn them into relative values. We also divide this by our cell dimensions in order to get the appropriate index value in our state array. We do the same for the top margin because of scroll position.
In our on click, we use these positions to toggle the right cell in our state. We then use clearRect() to clear our last canvas state, and run drawGrid() once again to reflect our changes to the user. Finally, we need to think about how to change our state according to the game of life rules, and reflect each change to our user, continuously.
The rules for the game are simple. If a cell is surrounded by more than 3, or less than 2 live cells, it dies. If it is dead, and it has exactly 3 neighbours, it comes alive. At two neighbours, there is no change. These rules are simple, but implemeting them is hard. We have to think of what are our limitations.
We essentiall have two states. One is our two dimentional array, the other is the state of the grid. When we run our state through the rules, and change it, there will be a difference betweem the two states. We then run drawGrid() and make them equal. What seems to be the problem? Let's say we are changing the state according to the rules. Killing cells, bringing others back to life. As we walk through the array, we are mutating it. Which affects how we evaluate later cells. We must make our changes in a different state.
If we change a different state, then drawGrid() based on that state, what about the next generation? There's an old state, and a fresh state. Let's say we run 'state' through the GOL rules, and apply changes to updateState. The next time we run, when we apply rules to state to change updateState, state is a generation behind updateState. We need to apply rules to the last generation, not the generation before last. So, after we drawGrid() on updateState, we set updateState to state and state to updateState, so now state is the last generation, and updateState is the one before that.
We run the updateGrid() every 500 milliseconds in our setInterval, but if we were already running, we clearInterval() and cancel the loop. There are many ways of looping, including a recursive function that uses setTimeout, or a simple loop that promisifies our gridUpdate function, and uses requestAnimationCallback. Which ever way you dice it, read up on all the alternatives, there's plenty of examples